Welcome to the blog of Lighthouse Christian Homeschool!

This blog serves three purposes:

1. To have a place to 'jot down' the day to day happenings in our homeschool for our support teacher to see, in hopes that some of the things we do will fit nicely into the provincial learning outcomes.

2. To keep my family up to date on what we're 'up to'.

3. To glorify God.

So on that note, come on in!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thanksgiving at the Cabin

This year we decided to do something a little different for Thanksgiving. My brother-in-law was soon to be celebrating his 40th birthday and my sister decided to throw him a surprise party, at the cabin, with the whole family, and even including his mom and his sister and her son and daughter. He had no idea who was coming until they arrived. It was so fun to see his surprised and momentarily confused look when they stepped out of the vehicle! This photo captures the moment where he's saying "you got me"

The weekend was spent doing several things we'd never done before. Just before the weekend, Tim bought a BB gun and so we had lots of fun shooting at balloons and paper targets and cans.

Here's the before and after shots of the target area:

My brother-in-law Kevin made a really cool dual purpose trailer. The first purpose was to tow the quad in to the cabin, but the second purpose left us feeling a little 'shook up' and full of memories of a really fun ride. Kevin soldered some chairs to the front of the trailer and then we all piled in and got pulled by one of  the quads through some pretty rough terrain. It was an extremely bumpy ride! 

We had to stop a few times and pull out the chainsaw to clear the path!
One time we even had to get out and 'walk' the trailer under a huge tree that had fallen across the path!

After almost 2 hours we arrived at our destination..sort of... Next we had a steep (very, very steep) hill to climb down...
a couple hundred feet later, we were there. A beautiful waterfall greeted us!

We enjoyed some time near the waterfall and then it was time to head up the hill again. Here's a shot of Joshua nearing the top.

Then back into the trailer and back to the cabin we went.

Back at the cabin we enjoyed some canoeing.

Tim and I went on a canoeing excursion on our own.

We discovered a little 'inlet' and followed it as far as we could go.

We found beaver footprints

and a beaver dam

Joshua checked out the facilities (c;

The guys took the kids on another quad ride

We enjoyed meals together

and time by the campfire

birthday cake

and snuggles with cousins.

The location couldn't be beat. Here are some scenic photos:

On one of the mornings we caught a glimpse of the beaver!
This is my Aunt Shauna (Uncle Bill's wife) enjoying the living room of their cabin. What a view to wake up to!

It's a little piece of heaven

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