Welcome to the blog of Lighthouse Christian Homeschool!

This blog serves three purposes:

1. To have a place to 'jot down' the day to day happenings in our homeschool for our support teacher to see, in hopes that some of the things we do will fit nicely into the provincial learning outcomes.

2. To keep my family up to date on what we're 'up to'.

3. To glorify God.

So on that note, come on in!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Decorating for Christmas

We love to decorate for Christmas at our house, so when the end of November rolls around, we are ready to get out all the many boxes of decorations and all 7 of our Christmas trees and get decorating! Yes, you read that right, we have 7 Christmas trees (actually 8 if you count Grandma and Grandpa's tree). 4 of the trees are small metal ones, one for each of the kids to hand their own ornaments on. One 4' tree is in our family room and the 6' and 7' trees are both downstairs in the rec room, which is where we host our Christmas festivities. Add to that the Nativity Scene and the Christmas Village, as well as many decorations and lights on walls and windows and it takes quite a while to put it all up. But once it's all up, it sure feels special, and we feel ready to get started on Advent readings and all other activities that lead us to the remembrance and commemoration of Christ's birth.
Last Christmas we got a late Christmas present. It was a Christmas Train! This year is our first year to use it. What a neat addition to the decorations!
The Christmas Train runs underneath the "Grandma" tree. All the decorations on this tree came from Tim's Grandma and Grandpa Cornwell, who loved Christmas as much as we do (maybe even more). The idea for the train under the tree came from Grandma and Grandpa's house in Oregon.

That's the kids' Christmas trees on the back of the piano.

And of course the finishing touch is the Angel. This year it was Joshua's turn to put it on.

1 comment:

  1. Christmas in your home is extra special with all the decorations Natasha! The kids must love it!
