Welcome to the blog of Lighthouse Christian Homeschool!

This blog serves three purposes:

1. To have a place to 'jot down' the day to day happenings in our homeschool for our support teacher to see, in hopes that some of the things we do will fit nicely into the provincial learning outcomes.

2. To keep my family up to date on what we're 'up to'.

3. To glorify God.

So on that note, come on in!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Adventure to the Symphony/Peter and the Wolf

On February 8th, Caleb and I had our own Adventure to the Symphony. We rode the bus and Skytrain into Vancouver and then a short walk to the Orpheum. The production was Peter and the Wolf and it was a great introduction to the symphony for Caleb, who had never been before. Here are some photos of our adventure:

We got on the bus at the first stop on the route, so we had it all to ourselves for a few minutes. Shortly after this photo was taken Caleb decided he didn't want his picture taken, so this is the only really good picture of him on the trip.
 Waiting for the show to start

 Travelling home on the Skytrain. Can you see our reflection in the window?

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