Welcome to the blog of Lighthouse Christian Homeschool!

This blog serves three purposes:

1. To have a place to 'jot down' the day to day happenings in our homeschool for our support teacher to see, in hopes that some of the things we do will fit nicely into the provincial learning outcomes.

2. To keep my family up to date on what we're 'up to'.

3. To glorify God.

So on that note, come on in!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Poppy is to Remember

Today we sat down with the kids and Tim read them a book called "A Poppy is to Remember" http://www.scholastic.ca/titles/apoppyistoremember/. Then I read them an excerpt from my Grammy's life story that tells all about World War II from her perspective as a 13 year old. They had to evacuate twice because they lived near a bridge and they were going to blow up the bridges. There were also three Jewish families in her town that were all killed except for a girl her age and a man who managed to hide. This is just a brief sample of events from her story, which really gave the kids a real life feeling for what life in wartime is like.
Christine's prayer at bedtime tonight was quite long, as she thanked God for those who gave their lives and then asked Jesus to be with those who are fighting in wars right now. It was so good to see how she 'gets it'.

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