Welcome to the blog of Lighthouse Christian Homeschool!

This blog serves three purposes:

1. To have a place to 'jot down' the day to day happenings in our homeschool for our support teacher to see, in hopes that some of the things we do will fit nicely into the provincial learning outcomes.

2. To keep my family up to date on what we're 'up to'.

3. To glorify God.

So on that note, come on in!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sailing Into a New School Year

Well, it seems I've done it again. I've left a huge gap in my posting and feel the need to 'catch up' again. Since I don't really have the time to totally catch up on the summer (and late spring) all at once, I think I'll start with what's happening now and fill in the blanks as I have time.
Last week we started another school year at Lighthouse Christian Homeschool. It's a bit of a slow start this year because some of our resources are slow to arrive. We've got some 'free time' gaps in our schedule until the new books arrive, which the kids think is great!
Our school kickoff was a day of sailing on Labour Day. It was a nice sunny day which made for a great sail. We went with Grandpa and Auntie Karen and Uncle Macky. Here's some photos: